Dear Guest!

We would like to provide you some important public information about the Big Picture 2025 Conference.

The venue of the event is the RaM ArT Theatre (1133 Budapest, Kárpát utca 23.), parking is available in the surrounding streets for charge. The venue can be reached from the main entrance on Karpát Street.

Our event is free of charge again this year, but registration is required, so due to the high interest we can only admit guests who have registered in advance and received a confirmation email. This year we have introduced a QR code entry, which we hope will speed up the registration process. Your personalised QR code will be sent out in the confirmation email, which we ask you to have ready when you arrive at registration.  On-site registration will open at 9.00am on 4 November.
We will open the event at 10.00am and will have a continuously running programme, so no separate coffee breaks are planned. We will have a larger lunch break, for which you are our guest!

Some of the presentations will be in English, for which we will provide a limited number of interpreter devices, which will be available at the entrance to the theatre.
Please note that we will also be making audio and video recordings of the event, which will be available on our own platforms and on other platforms promoting the Big Picture 2025 Conference, such as television broadcasts, press releases, public websites (in particular but not limited to Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and websites), information and promotional materials and image media (e.g. brochure, roll-up). By registering for the event,  guests agree and consent to this use. MEME will not use the footage for commercial purposes.

The organisers reserve the right to change the programme!



RaM ArT Színház 1133 Budapest, Kárpát u. 23.